What is the Judy Center?

Our mission is to assist families in Somerset County, ensuring that all children in our community enter school with the skills they need for lifelong learning and success.

The Judy Center Early Learning Hub is a collaboration of local community organizations providing support and resources for young children and their families.

The Judy Center works with a variety of partners to offer the following services:

  • Playgroups, playdates, and story time for children from birth – 4 years
  • Fun family involvement activities
  • Assistance to families to find quality child care
  • Summer school and wrap around child care resources
  • Resources and classes for parents, child care providers, and teachers
  • Assistance for families in need of community resources (food, clothing, diapers, health, education)
  • Raising a Reader book program
  • GED/Adult Education referrals and child care
  • Car Seat Assistance program

SCPS Central Office (JC Manager): 

 410-651-1616 ext. 11252

One hub, two locations.

Princess Anne Office (Main)

Princess Anne Elementary School
11576 Lankford Street
Princess Anne, MD 21853

Crisfield Office

Woodson Elementary School
281 Woodson School Road
Crisfield, MD 21817

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March 2023

February 2023

January 2023

Meet the Staff

Karen Karten
Judy Center Supervisor,  Early Childhood Supervisor

Janell Hale
Judy Center Manager 

Tyshika Bonneville-Laws
Home and School Connections Specialist

Tynice DeShields
Family Service Coordinator, Princess Anne

Danielle Webster                                                              Family Service Specialist, Crisfield 

Deona Henson
Early Childhood Generalist

Jasmine Wooster                                                         Administrative Assistant